Master\u2019s Degree in Geology \u2013 Two Year Duration
\nMany geologists hold a Master\u2019s Degree in Geology. At this level, students typically choose a concentration within geoscience. Among the major specializations are:


Master\u2019s graduates in geology qualify for many senior roles in the field.


Doctoral Degree in Geology \u2013 Four to Five Year Duration
\nDoctoral programs in geology offer students opportunities to combine laboratory and field research in the area of their specialization. See the list of specializations above, under the heading Master\u2019s Degree in Geology. While conducting extensive research for their dissertation, students at this level are exposed to different research techniques, equipment, and software. They also do a significant amount of academic writing.


Doctoral graduates often become research scientists, university lecturers and professors, government advisors, and geological industry leaders.

", "display_order": 2, "created_at": "2019-08-29T17:56:36.266614-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-18T14:02:59.574640-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 311, "page": 1, "title": "Degrees Similar to Geology", "summary_markdown": "**[Engineering Physics](/degrees/engineering-physics-degree/)** \r\nStudents of engineering physics learn how to use physics to solve practical problems. For this reason, the field is sometimes referred to as the bridge between physics and engineering. Coursework includes computational physics, materials science, thermodynamics, and nanotechnology. \r\n\r\n**[Environmental Science](/degrees/environmental-science-degree/)** \r\nThe basis of this discipline is that all natural things interact. Individuals who earn a degree in environmental science develop plans to prevent, control, or find solutions to environmental issues, such as pollution. \r\n\r\n**Atmospheric Sciences** \r\nWhile meteorology is the study of weather, especially weather forecasting, atmospheric science is the wider, all-encompassing study of the atmosphere, including climatology, air quality, and meteorology. \r\n\r\n**[Meteorology](/degrees/meteorology-degree/)** \r\nMeteorology degree programs teach students how to predict weather conditions. The typical curriculum examines atmospheric movement, climate trends, and ozone levels. With an understanding of these concepts, students learn about various meteorological phenomena. They learn how to use statistical analysis to forecast weather events from sun, clouds, and rain to heat waves, droughts, thunderstorms, tropical storms, tornados, and hurricanes. \r\n\r\n**[Geography](/degrees/geography-degree/)** \r\nStudents of geography study the earth\u2019s surface; its climate, soil, and water; and the relationship between people and the land. Some typical courses in a geography program are cartography, climatology, geology, political geography, statistics, and spatial analysis.", "content_markdown": "**[Landscape Architecture](/degrees/landscape-architecture-degree/)** \r\nA landscape architecture degree program teaches students both creative and technical skills. Landscape architects apply these skills to plan outdoor spaces and landscapes, such as parks, gardens, playgrounds, residential areas, and college campuses. Courses specific to landscape architecture include horticulture, hydrology, geology, environmental design, and landscape design. \r\n\r\n**[Marine Biology](/degrees/marine-biology-degree/)** \r\nStudents who earn a degree in marine biology study marine organisms and their behaviors and interactions with the environment.\r\n\r\n**[Petroleum Engineering](/degrees/petroleum-engineering-degree/)** \r\nDegree programs in petroleum engineering teach students how to find and safely and environmentally remove petroleum and natural gas from the earth. \r\n\r\n**[Soil Science](/degrees/soil-science-degree/)** \r\nSoil science degree programs are focused on the formation, ecology, and classification of soil. Students take courses in seed science, fertilizers, geology, weed science, and genetics.", "content_html": "

Landscape Architecture
\nA landscape architecture degree program teaches students both creative and technical skills. Landscape architects apply these skills to plan outdoor spaces and landscapes, such as parks, gardens, playgrounds, residential areas, and college campuses. Courses specific to landscape architecture include horticulture, hydrology, geology, environmental design, and landscape design.


Marine Biology
\nStudents who earn a degree in marine biology study marine organisms and their behaviors and interactions with the environment.


Petroleum Engineering
\nDegree programs in petroleum engineering teach students how to find and safely and environmentally remove petroleum and natural gas from the earth.


Soil Science
\nSoil science degree programs are focused on the formation, ecology, and classification of soil. Students take courses in seed science, fertilizers, geology, weed science, and genetics.

", "display_order": 3, "created_at": "2019-08-29T17:56:36.268988-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-18T14:05:45.225562-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 311, "page": 1, "title": "Skills You’ll Learn", "summary_markdown": "- Observation \r\n- Data collection, management, and analysis \r\n- Quantitative Reasoning \r\n- Pattern recognition \r\n- Technical / IT skills \r\n- Report writing \r\n- Project Management \r\n- Oral and written communication \r\n- Teamwork \r\n- Field skills / comfortable working outdoors", "content_markdown": "", "content_html": "", "display_order": 4, "created_at": "2019-08-29T17:56:36.271264-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-18T13:58:30.298345-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 311, "page": 1, "title": "What Can You Do with a Geology Degree?", "summary_markdown": "Because of the specific nature of geology, many graduates in the field work in roles that are directly related to their degree. Here are some of the common occupational categories: \r\n\r\n**Engineering Geology** \r\nEngineering geologists often work for consulting engineering firms. They conduct studies of sites for potential construction projects, and their findings determine how foundations and other structures should be designed and built. \r\n\r\n**Environmental Geology** \r\n[Environmental consultants](/careers/environmental-consultant/) analyze on-site samples of data and assess related environmental issues. Their objective is to ensure that development projects are environmentally responsible. Environmental risk managers may be responsible for analyzing and providing information on things like contaminated land, waste management, and the impacts of pollution and climate change. They often work for government agencies like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). \r\n\r\n**Hydrogeology / Water Resources** \r\nResearch hydrogeologists work for environmental regulators, national and local governments, and water companies. Their work may involve sampling the chemistry of groundwater (water that collects or flows beneath the Earth\u2019s surface) to establish baselines. \r\n\r\n**Natural Hazards and Risk** \r\nTwo of the major roles in this subfield of geoscience are [volcanologist](/careers/volcanologist/) and seismologist.\r\nThese [scientists](/careers/scientist/) may work for government agencies like the U.S. Geological Survey. \r\n\r\n**Mining and Quarrying** \r\nIn this sector, *mine geologists*, *exploration geologists*, *exploration geophysicists*, and *remote sensing geologists* are employed by mining companies or work as independent [consultants](/careers/consultant/) to the industry. They apply their expertise to the search for and extraction of mineral resources. \r\n\r\n**Energy / Oil and Gas** \r\nGeologists who work with energy firms, oil and gas producers, and exploration companies use their knowledge in the search for and production of hydrocarbon reserves.", "content_markdown": "", "content_html": "

Because of the specific nature of geology, many graduates in the field work in roles that are directly related to their degree. Here are some of the common occupational categories:


Engineering Geology
\nEngineering geologists often work for consulting engineering firms. They conduct studies of sites for potential construction projects, and their findings determine how foundations and other structures should be designed and built.


Environmental Geology
\nEnvironmental consultants analyze on-site samples of data and assess related environmental issues. Their objective is to ensure that development projects are environmentally responsible. Environmental risk managers may be responsible for analyzing and providing information on things like contaminated land, waste management, and the impacts of pollution and climate change. They often work for government agencies like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Hydrogeology / Water Resources
\nResearch hydrogeologists work for environmental regulators, national and local governments, and water companies. Their work may involve sampling the chemistry of groundwater (water that collects or flows beneath the Earth\u2019s surface) to establish baselines.


Natural Hazards and Risk
\nTwo of the major roles in this subfield of geoscience are volcanologist and seismologist.\nThese scientists may work for government agencies like the U.S. Geological Survey.


Mining and Quarrying
\nIn this sector, mine geologists, exploration geologists, exploration geophysicists, and remote sensing geologists are employed by mining companies or work as independent consultants to the industry. They apply their expertise to the search for and extraction of mineral resources.


Energy / Oil and Gas
\nGeologists who work with energy firms, oil and gas producers, and exploration companies use their knowledge in the search for and production of hydrocarbon reserves.

", "display_order": 5, "created_at": "2019-08-29T17:56:36.273400-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-11-18T13:55:38.909818-08:00"}], "degree_specializations": []}">



  • 影响地球的过程,如洪水、滑坡、地震和火山爆发
  • 构成地球的物质,如水、油、金属和岩石
  • 地球的历史、演变和过去的气候


  • 更好地了解和预测自然灾害
  • 更有效地规划土地用途
  • 发现矿产和能源资源
  • 保护自然资源,保护环境




  • 英语作文
  • 微积分
  • 心理学
  • 社会学
  • 生物学
  • 化学
  • 物理
  • 物理地质
  • 历史地质学


  • 历史地质学
  • 化学中的结构与化学键
  • 坚实的地球——一个充满活力的星球
  • 行星地球-实验室探索
  • 中生代地球:恐龙时代
  • 电、光和辐射
  • 地质时代与地层学
  • 地球、海洋和大气科学中的计算机方法
  • 岩石学-导论
  • 矿物学-简介
  • 领域的技术
  • 野外地质学
  • 元素和同位素地质学
  • 沉积学
  • 北美洲的构造演化
  • 构造地质学
  • 火山学
  • 古生物学
  • 矿藏
  • 化石燃料


  • 工程地质学-地质学应用于建筑和基础设施的设计和建造
  • 环境地质学-应用于保护环境和解决环境问题的地质学
  • 地球化学——研究岩石和流体的化学成分以及地球的化学过程
  • 地质年代学-研究岩石、化石和沉积物的年龄
  • 地貌学-研究地球表面或接近地球表面的化学和物理过程所产生的特征的起源和演变
  • 地球物理学——研究地球的物理:内部结构,地震,重力,地磁;用来寻找石油和矿藏
  • 水文地质学——对地下和地表水的研究
  • 火成岩学-研究由岩浆或熔岩形成的火成岩
  • 变质岩石学-研究岩石如何受到热和压力的影响而产生变质岩石和矿物
  • 自然灾害——研究地震、滑坡、洪水、火山等现象。
  • 自然资源-地质学应用于能源的提取:石油,煤,天然气,铀和替代资源,如地热能
  • 海洋学-研究海洋化学,海底地质,海浪和洋流
  • 古生物学——研究化石,从恐龙到微生物
  • 行星科学-研究其他天体的地质,如行星和小行星
  • 遥感-利用航空遥感技术进行地球和其他行星的资源发现和地质测绘
  • 沉积学-研究沉积物,它们揭示了过去的环境,以及它们如何影响能源和其他资源
  • 地震学——研究穿过地球的地震波
  • 地层学-研究地质过程和事件的顺序、性质和变化速率,以建立地质地图和数据库
  • 构造地质学——研究岩石运动和变形以及岩石如何响应应力
  • 非常规能源——地质学应用于可持续能源,如地热能、风能和潮汐能
  • 火山学——研究火山及其相关危害















  • 观察
  • 数据收集、管理和分析
  • 定量推理
  • 模式识别
  • 技术/ IT技能
  • 报告写作
  • 项目管理
  • 口头和书面交流
  • 团队合作
  • 野外技能/适应户外工作










