Bachelor\u2019s Degree in German Translation and Interpretation \u2013 Four Year Duration
\nAt many schools, the German translation/interpretation program is a separate and distinct program from the linguistics/literature option. It, of course, prepares students to work as English/German and German/English translators and interpreters. Translators must be able to write well in the target language. Interpreters must be able to translate in both directions without using dictionaries or other reference material. Consecutive interpreters wait for the speaker to pause and translate what has been said. Simultaneous interpreters translate in real-time. They hear the message in the source language, process it, and simultaneously (in about five to 10 seconds) output in the target language the translation of the speaker\u2019s words.


Graduates of these programs often work for professional translation/interpretation services or as freelancers. Their services are needed at intercultural/international conferences and meetings. Working as an interpreter for the United Nations (UN) is particularly highly-regarded.


In addition to providing basic training, German translation and interpretation programs often offer specializations:


Courses include:


Master\u2019s Degree in German Language \u2013 Two Year Duration
\nGraduates with a Master\u2019s Degree in German Language may work as educators, business professionals, or public servants.


At the master\u2019s level, students focus on a specific track of study such as German linguistics or German literature. Classes may include:


Master\u2019s Degree in German Translation and Interpretation \u2013 Four Year Duration
\nHolders of this degree often translate / interpret within specific fields such as science, medical, legal, business, or literary. Some schools offer a Master\u2019s Degree in Specialized Translation. The program is aimed at training translators and interpreters in the fields that most often need translation services.


Translation and interpretation master\u2019s students continue with the concentration they chose at the bachelor\u2019s level:


Here are some sample classes offered in these master\u2019s programs:


Doctoral Degree in German Language \u2013 Three to Five Year Duration
\nA Ph.D. in German Language can open many career doors. Students with this graduate degree often teach at the university level. With the appropriate background, they may qualify for roles in business and international relations.


Doctoral programs in German language are research-intensive and students often work as teaching assistants while they earn their doctorate. Each curriculum will vary depending on the chosen concentration. However, most programs require that students become proficient in an alternate language.


Common classes at this level include:


Doctoral Degree in German Translation and Interpretation \u2013 Three to Five Year Duration
\nThe Ph.D. in German translation and interpretation is a research degree. Students in doctoral programs:

\n", "display_order": 2, "created_at": "2019-08-29T17:56:39.074448-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-12-15T11:56:02.586832-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 339, "page": 1, "title": "Degrees Similar to German Language", "summary_markdown": "**[Foreign Languages and Literatures](/degrees/foreign-languages-and-literatures-degree/)** \r\nStudents who pursue a German language degree are typically interested in other languages as well. \r\n\r\n**[Anthropology](/degrees/anthropology-degree/)** \r\nAnthropology is the study of the evolutionary history of people, how they interact, how they adapt to various environments, and how they communicate and socialize with one another. The link to language and to linguistics \u2013 the nature and structure of language \u2013 is evident. In fact, many anthropologists are trained in linguistics. \r\n\r\n**[Mass Communication and Media Studies](/degrees/mass-communication-and-media-studies-degree/)** \r\nCommunication is concerned with how people collect, share, and use information. It combines elements of the social sciences and the humanities to study how humans communicate. While the field explores traditional and interactive media, it also examines language and how we use it. \r\n\r\n**Comparative Literature** \r\nThis field studies the literature and literary traditions of two or more different countries, cultures, or languages. Examples of courses in comparative literature are literature of the Americas, literature of China and Japan, romanticism, and tragedy. \r\n\r\n**[Education](/degrees/education-degree/)** \r\nIndividuals who consider earning a German degree often think about teaching the language. The processes of German language learning and teaching are naturally linked.", "content_markdown": "**[European Studies](/degrees/european-studies-degree/)** \r\nThis is a broad based field of study. It includes European languages, history, art, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, politics, economics, and geography. \r\n\r\n**[International Business](/degrees/international-business-degree/)** \r\nStudents of international business study business from a global perspective. They learn how to work cross-culturally, how to manage multinational businesses, and how to turn local and national companies into international corporations. Coursework often includes some foreign language studies, as well. \r\n\r\n**Latin American Studies** \r\nDegree programs in Latin American Studies focus on the study of the language, culture, society, political systems, geography, and history of Latin America. \r\n\r\n**[Linguistics](/degrees/linguistics-degree/)** \r\nLinguistics explores the nature of language variations and dialects, how language evolves over time, how it is processed and stored in the human brain, and how it is acquired. It is the scientific study of language and communication, both within a single language and across language groups. \r\n\r\nThe primary sub-areas of linguistics are phonetics \u2013 the study of the production, acoustics, and hearing of speech sounds; phonology \u2013 the patterning of sounds; morphology \u2013 the structure of words; syntax \u2013 the structure of sentences; semantics \u2013 meaning; and pragmatics \u2013 language in context. These sub-areas are the foundations of foreign language learning.", "content_html": "

European Studies
\nThis is a broad based field of study. It includes European languages, history, art, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, politics, economics, and geography.


International Business
\nStudents of international business study business from a global perspective. They learn how to work cross-culturally, how to manage multinational businesses, and how to turn local and national companies into international corporations. Coursework often includes some foreign language studies, as well.


Latin American Studies
\nDegree programs in Latin American Studies focus on the study of the language, culture, society, political systems, geography, and history of Latin America.


\nLinguistics explores the nature of language variations and dialects, how language evolves over time, how it is processed and stored in the human brain, and how it is acquired. It is the scientific study of language and communication, both within a single language and across language groups.


The primary sub-areas of linguistics are phonetics \u2013 the study of the production, acoustics, and hearing of speech sounds; phonology \u2013 the patterning of sounds; morphology \u2013 the structure of words; syntax \u2013 the structure of sentences; semantics \u2013 meaning; and pragmatics \u2013 language in context. These sub-areas are the foundations of foreign language learning.

", "display_order": 3, "created_at": "2019-08-29T17:56:39.077021-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-12-15T12:00:19.238144-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 339, "page": 1, "title": "Skills You’ll Learn", "summary_markdown": "The process of learning German \u2013 or any other second language \u2013 is a workout for the brain. Because language learning is complex, it improves cognitive skills and overall brain function. Quite simply, it makes the brain stronger. This means that graduates of a German language degree program bring more than their language competency to their work. Studies have shown that adult speakers of more than one language typically: \r\n\r\n- have higher general intelligence \r\n- are more creative \r\n- are more patient \r\n- are better listeners \r\n- have better concentration abilities \r\n- have greater mental flexibility \r\n- are better at planning and making decisions \r\n- score higher on reading, vocabulary, and math tests \r\n- are more aware of their surroundings \r\n- are more likely to understand different points of view \r\n- are less likely to fall for marketing ploys \r\n- are better at multi-tasking \r\n- have better memory and memorization skills", "content_markdown": "", "content_html": "", "display_order": 4, "created_at": "2019-08-29T17:56:39.079197-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-12-15T11:53:58.347676-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 339, "page": 1, "title": "What Can You Do with a German Language Degree?", "summary_markdown": "Graduates can work in several different areas. Please note that some roles \u2013 especially more senior ones \u2013 may require education in addition to an undergraduate or graduate degree in German language. For example, students who wish to teach German may need a teaching certificate as well as a German language degree. Those who are interested in working as a foreign correspondent may choose to combine German and journalism studies. And those who are attracted to the fashion industry may complete a double major in German and fashion buying/merchandising, for instance. \r\n\r\n**Translation and Interpretation** \r\nHolders of a degree in German translation and interpretation may find opportunities to translate and/or interpret for various sectors, including government departments and agencies, law and courts, healthcare, publishing, and conferences. \r\n\r\n**Business** \r\nThis sector is far-reaching and many businesses seek bi- or multi- lingual employees. Some examples are sales, customer service, banking/finance/foreign exchange, manufacturing, engineering, import/export, international relations, and administration. \r\n\r\n**Communication / Media / Entertainment** \r\nKnowledge of German is valued in several roles in this sector: [foreign correspondent](/careers/correspondent/), [journalist](/careers/journalist/), video crew, broadcaster, publisher, [proofreader](/careers/proofreader/), film production. \r\n\r\n**Culture / Travel & Tourism** \r\nBusinesses in these sectors consistently need German speakers. They include airlines, airports, tour companies, travel reservations services and websites, hotels, event planning companies, and museums.", "content_markdown": "**Education** \r\nPossible positions are high school German [teacher](// and university German [professor](// \r\n\r\n**Government** \r\nGovernments are one of the largest employers of people with foreign language skills. In the United States, German is particularly valued in positions in the armed forces, the Foreign Service, immigration and customs, law enforcement, security, and intelligence. \r\n\r\n**Non-Profit** \r\nThese are just some of the volunteer programs, non-profits, and non-governmental organizations that often seek bilingual English/German speakers: the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps VISTA, Habitat for Humanity, Save the Children, Care International, M\u00e9decins sans Fronti\u00e8res/Doctors Without Borders, UNESCO, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the American Red Cross.", "content_html": "

\nPossible positions are high school German teacher and university German professor.


\nGovernments are one of the largest employers of people with foreign language skills. In the United States, German is particularly valued in positions in the armed forces, the Foreign Service, immigration and customs, law enforcement, security, and intelligence.


\nThese are just some of the volunteer programs, non-profits, and non-governmental organizations that often seek bilingual English/German speakers: the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps VISTA, Habitat for Humanity, Save the Children, Care International, M\u00e9decins sans Fronti\u00e8res/Doctors Without Borders, UNESCO, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the American Red Cross.

", "display_order": 5, "created_at": "2019-08-29T17:56:39.081505-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-12-15T11:58:46.339570-08:00"}], "degree_specializations": []}">




  • 德语的结构
  • 英语/德语比较语法
  • 英语/德语翻译
  • 德国的谈话
  • 商业德语
  • 德国文化
  • 德国文艺复兴时期
  • 德国的小说



  • 德语学位课程通常包括在国外完成部分课程的选择。
  • 许多德语专业的学生完成了双学位。这为他们提供了另一种技能,并为他们在更广泛的领域工作做好了准备。一些例子是将德语学习与商科、经济学、政治学、国际关系或教育学的第二专业(或辅修)结合起来。




  • 初级德语-读、写、说德语
  • 中级德语-二级课程,向学生介绍更复杂的口头和书面材料
  • 德国企业
  • 英语到德语的翻译-简介
  • 日耳曼文化



  • 介绍德国
  • 中间的德国
  • 德语语言学概论
  • 德国文学概论
  • 德国的谈话
  • 德国的作文
  • 德语语音-德语的声音系统
  • 德语语法分析
  • 英德翻译
  • 德语的历史
  • 教授德语作为第二语言
  • 现代德国小说
  • 德国诗歌与戏剧




  • 专业技术翻译
  • 编辑翻译专业
  • 社会和制度翻译专业
  • 口译专业


  • 用于翻译和口译的德语
  • 翻译与口译技术
  • 语言与翻译
  • 翻译和口译的历史
  • 情报学在翻译与口译中的应用
  • 翻译中的文化中介
  • 翻译与口译理论“,
  • 逆翻译
  • 口译入门
  • 专业翻译入门
  • 翻译术语
  • 交替传译技巧



  • 德国语音学
  • 德国音韵学
  • 德国的形态
  • 德语的语法
  • 德国的语义
  • 德国社会语言学-研究德语与社会因素的关系:地区,阶级,方言,性别,双语
  • 德国浪漫主义
  • 当代德国文学



  • 专业技术翻译
  • 编辑翻译专业
  • 社会和制度翻译专业
  • 口译专业


  • 翻译,口译和跨文化研究
  • 公共服务口译
  • 法律、技术和视听翻译
  • 交替传译
  • 同声翻译
  • 翻译与口译研究领域“,




  • 德语教学方法
  • 德国文学-理论与批评
  • 德国文化
  • 日耳曼语言-比较语法


  • 学习语言和翻译理论
  • 研究德国的历史和文化
  • 从语言学和文学的角度评估德语翻译
  • 为他们的论文翻译大量的文章
  • 进行传译和同声传译














  • 拥有更高的综合智力
  • 更有创造力
  • 更有耐心
  • 是更好的倾听者
  • 注意力更集中
  • 有更强的思维灵活性
  • 更擅长计划和做决定
  • 在阅读、词汇和数学测试中获得更高的分数
  • 对周围环境更加敏感
  • 更容易理解不同的观点
  • 更不容易被营销策略欺骗
  • 更擅长多任务处理
  • 拥有更好的记忆力和记忆能力









这些只是志愿者项目、非营利组织和非政府组织经常寻找会说英语/德语双语的人的一部分:和平队、美国服务队、人类家园、拯救儿童会、国际关怀组织、Médecins sans Frontières/无国界医生、联合国教科文组织、大赦国际、人权观察和美国红十字会。


