



当私人厨师行业诞生时,它被吹捧为最热门的新业务之一。它目前正经历需求放缓。这可能归因于几个因素,首先是私人厨师概念的新鲜感可能已经消退。此外,高端食品杂货店和特色食品店也越来越多地推出优质的即食食品。对许多消费者来说,这是一种很有吸引力的选择,既可以享受高质量的膳食,又不用花钱请厨师。对这些厨师来说,最可持续的就业领域似乎是特殊场合市场。相当多的人会为一次性的活动雇一个私人厨师;持续或永久这样做的人会少得多。在大型住宅、游艇和私人飞机上的私人厨师的全职机会是有限的,通常是给那些拥有长时间、多样化和令人印象深刻的résumés的求职者。然而,私人厨师行业不断发展的多样化表明,忙碌且越来越注重健康的家庭,收入不高,可能每月雇一到两次厨师准备大量的饭菜,然后冷冻起来,可以根据客户的方便重新加热。 Some additional openings may be generated by aging and disabled persons with sufficient incomes, who are no longer willing or able to shop and cook for themselves. Most personal chefs are self-employed; therefore, individuals entering the field must be prepared to assume the demands of starting and operating an independent business. Some in the field combine their chef role with writing food-related articles for a local newspaper or magazine or teaching cooking classes. Others may work in a restaurant once or twice a week to gain inspiration and develop new ideas in a collaborative environment. As their business expands, some chefs market their consulting services to specialty stores developing take-out menus. Once their client base becomes large enough to justify the expense, some may hire assistants. Very experienced and established personal chefs may open a referral company which maintains a database of reputable chefs available for hire across a large geographical area. As more culinary institutes recognize this career and include personal chef courses as part of their curricula, formal training will become progressively more important. A valuable resource for aspiring personal chefs is the American Personal & Private Chef Association (APPCA). While this relatively small occupation will likely continue to experience fluctuations in its growth, in the long term it is expected to benefit from a diverse and ever-changing demographic.




国家的名字 聘用私人厨师
宾西法尼亚 30.