



In December 2015 the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicted that, ‘Competition for jobs should continue to be strong because more students are graduating from law school each year than there are jobs available.’ The growth in population and general business activity is creating more legal transactions and generating increased need for legal services in a wide range of areas including health care, environmental issues, intellectual property, mediation, and antitrust. Countering this demand, however, is the capacity of large accounting firms and paralegals to perform some of the same functions as lawyers. As a result, lawyers are increasingly finding work in less traditional roles for which legal expertise is valuable, though not typically required. These roles include managerial, business, and administrative positions with banks; insurance and real estate companies; and government agencies. The majority of these opportunities are with larger firms in urban areas where corporations tend to centralize their operations. The number of self-employed lawyers is expected to grow slowly, due to both competition from established firms and the costs associated with sustaining an independent legal practice. Lawyers wishing to work independently should look to the less competitive legal markets of smaller towns and suburban areas. Some graduates may jumpstart their careers by joining legal staffing firms which place lawyers in short-term jobs. Willingness to relocate and take another state’s bar exam, as well as experience in specialty areas such as tax, patent, immigration, or copyright will improve law school graduates’ employment prospects.




状态名称 就业律师
加利福尼亚 79,980
纽约 73,560
佛罗里达 47,630
德克萨斯州 42,870
哥伦比亚特区 32,090
伊利诺伊州 30,170
宾夕法尼亚州 25,470
新泽西州 20,730
乔治亚州 18,160
马萨诸塞州 17,820
弗吉尼亚 16,330
俄亥俄州 16,260
密歇根州 15,100
马里兰州 11,900
科罗拉多州 11,450
明尼苏达州 11,180
北卡罗来纳 10,830
华盛顿 10,540
密苏里州 9,950
亚利桑那 9,500
印第安纳州 8,080
田纳西州 7,610
威斯康星州 7,540
康涅狄格州 7,070
路易斯安那州 6,820
俄克拉荷马州 6,280
俄勒冈州 6,260
南卡罗来纳 6,080
阿拉巴马州 5,640
肯塔基 5,540
内华达州 5,150
犹他州 4,990
堪萨斯州 3,640
爱荷华州 3,470
密西西比州 3,190
内布拉斯加州 2,950
新墨西哥 2,900
波多黎各 2,790
阿肯色州 2,730
西弗吉尼亚 2,440
特拉华州 2,410
夏威夷 2,110
爱达荷州 1,980
蒙大拿 1,980
罗德岛 1,810
新罕布什尔 1,750
缅因州 1,710
佛蒙特 1,140
北达科他州 960
阿拉斯加州 940
南达科他州 870
怀俄明州 820
美国维尔京群岛 300
关岛 170