Biology / Chemistry Electives
\n- Eukaryotic Cell Biology \u2013 the cell biology of eukaryotes \u2013 plants, animals, fungi, and protists (microscopic and single cell organisms) \u2013 whose cells have a nuclear membrane that surrounds the nucleus
\n- Microbiology
\n- Genetics
\n- Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory
\n- Human Pathology
\n- Forensic Pathology
\n- Quantitative Analysis
\n- Inorganic Chemistry
\n- Physical Chemistry
\n- Cancer Biology


Master\u2019s Degree in Toxicology \u2013 Two to Three Year Duration
\nAt the master\u2019s level students can design their program in consultation with a faculty member, to focus on their particular area of interest. The master\u2019s program\u2019s culminating requirement is a thesis based on original research.


Doctoral Degree in Toxicology \u2013 Four to Six Year Duration
\nThe master\u2019s program involves a lot of taught courses. It emphasizes the transition from pure subject learning to independent research. On the other hand, the doctoral degree is like a very long dissertation project. Ph.D. students have a great deal of independence. They have the benefit of supervision from a faculty advisor and may complete some taught classes, but their focus is on their independent research, on contributing original \u2013 new \u2013 knowledge to the field of toxicology.


Most toxicologists hold either a master\u2019s or doctoral degree in the field. Below are descriptions of some possible specializations that graduate students may choose to pursue:


Environmental Toxicology \u2013 focuses on the impact of environmental pollution and pollutants originating in human activity; possible research areas include:
\n- Ecotoxicology - the study of the diverse effects of chemicals on ecosystems structure, functions, and biodiversity
\n- Non-target Species Toxicity \u2013 species that are incidentally impacted by an action towards a target species (example: species such as sharks, rays, and turtles, that are incidentally captured while fishing for tuna, the target species)
\n- Environmental Monitoring \u2013 an environmental management practice that is implemented on most construction and development projects to monitor whether the quality of the environment is getting better or worse
\n- Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology
\n- Risk Assessment


Molecular Toxicology \u2013 focuses on the effects of chemical components on living organisms; possible research areas include:
\n- Molecular Toxic Mechanisms \u2013 deals with the three factors that determine the toxicity of a substance: its chemical structure, the extent to which the substance is absorbed by the body, and the body\u2019s ability to detoxify the substance and eliminate it from the body
\n- Toxicogenomics \u2013 the study of the structure and function of the genome as it responds to cellular exposure to foreign substances
\n- Proteinomics \u2013 the identification and study of the totality of the proteins in an organism


Biomedical Toxicology \u2013 the movement of toxic compounds in the body and the effects of chemicals on biological systems; possible research areas include:
\n- Toxicokinetics \u2013 the study of how a substance gets into the body and what happens to it in the body
\n- Toxicodynamics \u2013 the study of the effects of a toxicant on a biological system
\n- Systems Toxicology \u2013 the use of advanced analytical and computational tools to understand the ways in which foreign substances alter biological systems
\n- Drug Addiction \u2013 the toxicology of drug abuse and drug addiction
\n- Biomarkers and Biomonitoring \u2013 the study of biological markers or measures of a normal or abnormal biological state, and the observation and assessment of those states and ongoing changes related to toxic exposure


Clinical Toxicology \u2013 focuses on the adverse effects of drugs and other chemicals in humans, and especially how to treat patients who have been exposed to a toxic substance


Veterinary Toxicology \u2013 the specialty of veterinary medicine dealing with the effects of poisons in the animal kingdom

", "display_order": 2, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:09.761109-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-07T14:55:32.867219-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 923, "page": 1, "title": "Degrees Similar to Toxicology", "summary_markdown": "**[Biochemistry](/degrees/biochemistry-degree/)** \r\nThe focus of biochemistry is the chemical processes and reactions that occur in living matter. Biochemists apply principles of both biology and chemistry to issues in many different sectors, including the environment, medicine and health, industry and manufacturing, agriculture, biofuels, and marine science. \r\n\r\n**[Biology](/degrees/biology-degree/)** \r\nA general biology degree program may include subjects like animal biology, invertebrate biology, vertebrate biology, cellular and molecular biology, evolution, microbiology, and ecology. \r\n\r\n**[Biotechnology](/degrees/biotechnology-degree/)** \r\nMajors in this field study engineering and the life sciences to create new products \u2013 such as vaccines, medicines, growth hormones for plants, and food additives \u2013 for the agricultural, industrial, and environmental industries. Among typical classes are biochemistry, general biology, cell biology, chemistry, and genetics. \r\n\r\n**[Chemistry](/degrees/chemistry-degree/)** \r\nChemistry deals with identifying the substances that make up matter. Degree programs in chemistry focus on investigating these substances: their properties; how they interact, combine, and change; and how scientists can use chemical processes to form new substances. \r\n\r\n**[Forensic Science](/degrees/forensic-science-degree/)** \r\nThe objective of forensic science is to solve crimes by applying science and scientific methods to the justice system. Degrees programs in the field, therefore, train students to use cutting-edge techniques to examine and interpret autopsy results and evidence in criminal and civil cases. \r\n\r\nBecause forensic science draws upon the sciences of biology, physics, and chemistry, these subject areas make up an important part of the forensics curriculum.", "content_markdown": "**[Microbiology](/degrees/microbiology-degree/)** \r\nMicrobiology is the study of all living organisms that are too small to see with the naked eye. These \u2018microbes\u2019 include bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, prions, protozoa, and algae. \r\n\r\n**[Pharmacology](/degrees/pharmacology-degree/)** \r\nPharmacologists study how drugs and medicines work so they can be used in the right way. The work naturally involves an understanding of chemical and biological interactions. \r\n\r\n**[Public Health](/degrees/public-health-degree/)** \r\nStudents who enter degree programs in public health look at how access and lack of access to healthcare, health education, and funding affect the spread, treatment, and prevention of disease. Epidemiology \u2013 the science concerned with the spread and control of diseases and viruses \u2013 is the science at the heart of public health.", "content_html": "

\nMicrobiology is the study of all living organisms that are too small to see with the naked eye. These \u2018microbes\u2019 include bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, prions, protozoa, and algae.


\nPharmacologists study how drugs and medicines work so they can be used in the right way. The work naturally involves an understanding of chemical and biological interactions.


Public Health
\nStudents who enter degree programs in public health look at how access and lack of access to healthcare, health education, and funding affect the spread, treatment, and prevention of disease. Epidemiology \u2013 the science concerned with the spread and control of diseases and viruses \u2013 is the science at the heart of public health.

", "display_order": 3, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:09.762143-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-07T14:58:06.403231-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 923, "page": 1, "title": "Skills You’ll Learn", "summary_markdown": "- Ability to work both independently and in teams \r\n- Ability to work under pressure \r\n- Comfort using complex equipment \r\n- Communication and interpersonal skills \r\n- Computer literacy and information technology \r\n- Decisiveness \r\n- Experiment design \r\n- Math skills \r\n- Meticulous attention to detail \r\n- Observation, investigative, and problem-solving skills \r\n- Patience \r\n- Practical lab skills \r\n- Report writing \r\n- Research and analytical skills \r\n- Safety consciousness", "content_markdown": "", "content_html": "", "display_order": 4, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:09.763179-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-07T14:54:00.825241-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 923, "page": 1, "title": "What Can You Do with a Toxicology Degree?", "summary_markdown": "Toxicology programs prepare students to work in these principal sectors: \r\n\r\n- Academia \u2013 as scientists/researchers, professors, research associates and technicians, and laboratory technicians \r\n- Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries \u2013 as research and development scientists, clinical researchers, regulatory affairs specialists, medical science liaisons, sales representatives, drug safety associates, clinical trial monitors, pharmaceutical marketing and information specialists, and laboratory technicians \r\n- Healthcare \u2013 as clinical scientists, research associates, lab technicians, and clinical study coordinators \r\n- Forensics \u2013 as forensic toxicologists, who perform tests on samples of bodily fluids collected by forensic pathologists during an autopsy or by crime scene investigators \r\n- Insurance \u2013 as insurance risk analysts \r\n- Government \u2013 as scientists/researchers, environmental assessors and monitors, regulatory compliance officers, drug safety monitors, chemical risk assessment analysts, drug/toxicant information specialists \r\n- Chemical, Cosmetic, and other Consumer Product Companies \u2013 as new product safety assessors \r\n- Medical/Scientific Journalism \u2013 as writers, editors, and consultants", "content_markdown": "", "content_html": "", "display_order": 5, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:09.764401-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-07T14:54:00.847986-08:00"}], "degree_specializations": []}">









  • 有关微积分的知识
  • 现代生物学
  • 普通化学
  • 有机化学
  • 微积分
  • 概率论与数理统计
  • 大学物理


  • 人体生理学-人体细胞、组织、器官和器官系统的分子生理功能
  • 生物化学-氨基酸和蛋白质,核酸,脂质,碳水化合物,生物能学(细胞如何转化能量)和代谢;生物化学的法医应用
  • 环境和工业制剂毒理学-有毒化学物质如农药的分布、代谢和影响;金属;化学致癌物质;空气、水和土壤污染物;辐射和工业溶剂;危险废物和消费品
  • 分析毒理学技术。样品处理;样品制备;原理背后的各种分析技术,如色谱,免疫分析,分光光度法,质谱;毒理学家如何处理数据的完整性和可靠性、样本机密性、动物使用和人体受试者保护
  • 分析和定量毒理学实验室-调查毒理学问题的方法;法医和毒理学实验室以及制药公司使用的方法的基础;数据收集和数据分析
  • 药理毒理学原理-我们日常生活中遇到的常见药物和毒药的影响;主要药物类的毒性作用


  • 法医毒理学原理-法医毒理学的基本原理和领域概述;测定生物标本中的酒精、毒品和其他有毒物质;从医学和法律角度解释测量结果;实验室程序文件;病人的隐私
  • 细胞和分子毒理学-毒理学的分子基础;细胞反应和保护机制,以抵御有毒的侮辱
  • 临床毒理学-介绍临床毒理学的基本原理;常用药物、毒药、化学制剂及对人体产生不良影响的原因调查;评估这些制剂对人体性能造成的损害;生物样本采集与分析


  • 真核细胞生物学-细胞生物学真核生物-植物、动物、真菌和原生生物(微观和单细胞生物)-其细胞有包围细胞核的核膜
  • 微生物学
  • 遗传学
  • 人体解剖与生理实验室
  • 人类病理学
  • 法医病理学
  • 定量分析
  • 无机化学
  • 物理化学
  • 癌症生物学


毒理学博士学位(4 - 6年)



  • 生态毒理学-研究化学物质对生态系统结构、功能和生物多样性的不同影响
  • 非目标物种毒性——偶然受到针对目标物种的行动影响的物种(例如:鲨鱼、鳐鱼和海龟等物种,在捕捞目标物种金枪鱼时偶然捕获)
  • 环境监察-大部分建筑及发展工程项目均采用的环境管理措施,以监察环境质素是否改善或恶化
  • 农药化学与毒理学“,
  • 风险评估


  • 分子毒性机制-涉及决定物质毒性的三个因素:物质的化学结构,物质被人体吸收的程度,以及人体对物质解毒并将其排出体外的能力
  • 毒性基因组学-研究基因组的结构和功能,因为它对细胞暴露于外来物质的反应
  • 蛋白质组学-识别和研究的整体的蛋白质在一个有机体


  • 毒物动力学-研究一种物质如何进入体内,以及它在体内发生了什么
  • 毒理学-研究毒物对生物系统的影响
  • 系统毒理学-使用先进的分析和计算工具来了解外来物质改变生物系统的方式
  • 药物成瘾-药物滥用和药物成瘾的毒理学
  • 生物标记物和生物监测-对正常或异常生物状态的生物标记物或测量的研究,以及对这些状态和与毒性暴露相关的持续变化的观察和评估














  • 具有独立工作和团队合作的能力
  • 能够在压力下工作
  • 使用复杂设备的舒适性
  • 沟通和人际交往能力
  • 计算机知识和信息技术
  • 果断
  • 实验设计
  • 数学技能
  • 细致入微
  • 观察、调查和解决问题的能力
  • 耐心
  • 实验室实践技能
  • 报告写作
  • 研究和分析能力
  • 安全意识



  • 学术界-作为科学家/研究人员,教授,研究助理和技术人员,以及实验室技术人员
  • 制药和生物技术行业-作为研发科学家、临床研究人员、监管事务专家、医学科学联络员、销售代表、药物安全助理、临床试验监督员、药物营销和信息专家以及实验室技术人员
  • 医疗保健-作为临床科学家、研究助理、实验室技术人员和临床研究协调员
  • 法医-作为法医毒理学家,他们对法医病理学家在尸检期间或犯罪现场调查人员收集的体液样本进行测试
  • 保险——作为保险风险分析师
  • 政府-作为科学家/研究人员、环境评估员和监察员、法规遵守官员、药物安全监察员、化学品风险评估分析师、药物/毒物信息专家
  • 化学,化妆品和其他消费品公司-作为新产品安全评估员
  • 医学/科学新闻-作为作家,编辑和顾问


