Master\u2019s Degree in Neuroscience \u2013 Two Year Duration
\nMany master\u2019s programs in neuroscience offer both a thesis-based degree with a requirement of a laboratory research project, and a non-thesis degree program requiring more extensive coursework and the writing of a review of neuroscience literature. Students who choose to continue graduate training after earning their master\u2019s degree can have their credits applied to the doctoral program.


Doctoral Degree in Neuroscience \u2013 Five Year Duration
\nThe doctoral program in neuroscience involves essentially the same coursework as the master\u2019s program, but has a more intensive research component. After defending their dissertation, doctoral graduates often go on to postdoctoral work at research institutions.


Both the master\u2019s and doctoral programs offer broad exposure to cellular, molecular, behavioral, developmental, and systems neuroscience, with emphasis on disease, injury, and therapeutics. Rigorous research training takes place through interactions with faculty, participation in scientific meetings, and training in scientific writing, teaching, formulation of hypotheses, and experimental design.


These are examples of possible areas of research and concentrations:


Spinal Cord and Brain Injury
\n- Neuroplasticity \u2013 the brain\u2019s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections to compensate for injury and disease
\n- Axon regeneration \u2013 an axon is the long threadlike part of a nerve cell along which impulses are conducted from the cell body to other cells
\n- Cellular transplantation \u2013 examples: stem cells, peripheral nerve bridges, fibroblasts
\n- Rehabilitation
\n- Central nervous system response to injury, including neuroinflammation
\n- Autonomic dysfunction \u2013 develops when the nerves of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) are damaged; the ANS is a control system that regulates bodily functions like heart rate, digestion, and urination
\n- Neuropathic pain
\n- Neuroprotective strategies
\n- Robotics and brain-machine interface
\n- Computational neuroscience and modeling
\n- Recovery of motor, sensory, and autonomic functions
\n- Microtubule-based therapies for augmenting nerve regeneration


Cellular Neuroscience
\n- How axons grow, branch, and navigate during development
\n- How dendrites become different from axons \u2013 a dendrite is a short branched extension of a nerve cell along which impulses received from other cells are transmitted to the cell body
\n- How neurons migrate from their sites of origin to their final destinations in the developing brain
\n- Alzheimer\u2019s disease
\n- Hereditary spastic paraplegia
\n- ALS
\n- Autism spectrum disorders
\n- Gulf War illness
\n- Multiple sclerosis
\n- Parkinson\u2019s disease
\n- Spinal cord injury
\n- Traumatic brain injury


Systems and Behavioral Neurobiology (the biological basis of behavior)
\n- Ingestive behavior \u2013 feeding and drinking
\n- Substance abuse
\n- Regulation of executive function \u2013 mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and multitask
\n- Learning and memory
\n- Psychostimulant drugs and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
\n- Stress, anxiety, and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
\n- Sleep and arousal
\n- Locomotion and neural networks
\n- Traumatic brain injury
\n- Schizophrenia
\n- Autism
\n- Parkinson\u2019s disease


Neuroengineering (in combination with therapeutic approaches to brain and spinal cord injury and rehabilitation)
\n- Computational modeling of reflex systems and pattern generator controls of breathing and locomotion
\n- Development of spinal cord motor prostheses
\n- Development of cortical motor / sensory prostheses, brain-machine interfaces, and neurorobotics

", "display_order": 2, "created_at": "2019-08-29T17:56:35.613411-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-10T16:16:00.441317-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 30, "page": 1, "title": "Degrees Similar to Neuroscience", "summary_markdown": "**[Biomedical Engineering](/degrees/biomedical-engineering-degree/)** \r\nSimply stated, biomedical engineering uses engineering to solve health and medical problems. For example, a biomedical engineer might look for chemical signals in the body that warn of a particular disease or condition. \r\n\r\n**[Chemistry](/degrees/chemistry-degree/)** \r\nChemistry deals with identifying the substances that make up matter. Degree programs in chemistry focus on investigating these substances: their properties; how they interact, combine, and change; and how scientists can use chemical processes to form new substances. \r\n\r\n**[Computer Science](/degrees/computer-science-degree/)** \r\nThe field of computer science is focused on computer systems and how humans interact with them. Courses cover mathematics for computer science, artificial intelligence, data structures and algorithms, and introduction to program design. \r\n\r\n**[Linguistics](/degrees/linguistics-degree/)** \r\nLinguistics explores the nature of language variations and dialects, how language evolves over time, how it is processed and stored in the human brain, and how it is acquired. It is the scientific study of language and communication, both within a single language and across language groups. \r\n\r\nThe primary sub-areas of linguistics are phonetics \u2013 the study of the production, acoustics, and hearing of speech sounds; phonology \u2013 the patterning of sounds; morphology \u2013 the structure of words; syntax \u2013 the structure of sentences; semantics \u2013 meaning; and pragmatics \u2013 language in context. \r\n\r\n**[Molecular Biology](/degrees/molecular-biology-degree/)** \r\nDegree programs in molecular biology teach the composition, structure, and interactions of cellular molecules like nucleic acids and proteins that are essential to cell function.", "content_markdown": "**[Pharmacology](/degrees/pharmacology-degree/)** \r\nPharmacologists study how drugs and medicines work so they can be used in the right way. The work naturally involves an understanding of chemical and biological interactions. \r\n\r\n**[Philosophy](/degrees/philosophy-degree/)** \r\nPhilosophy encourages the asking of big questions and the formulation of arguments to attempt to answer them. Who are we? Why are we here? What do we believe? Why do we believe it? What is right and wrong in life? What is true and false? What is real and unreal? Philosophy is concerned with the nature of existence and knowledge. \r\n\r\n**[Psychobiology](/degrees/psychobiology-degree/)** \r\nPsychobiology is the interaction between biological systems and behavior. It is concerned with how what we think and what we feel combine with biological events. Research in the field covers topics such as how psychological stressors can impact the brain and behavior. An example is how an exam or job interview can cause heart palpitations. \r\n\r\n**[Robotics Technology](/degrees/robotics-technology-degree/)** \r\nDegree programs in robotics technology prepare students to work with engineers who design robots and robotic systems than can perform duties that humans are either unable or prefer not to perform.", "content_html": "

\nPharmacologists study how drugs and medicines work so they can be used in the right way. The work naturally involves an understanding of chemical and biological interactions.


\nPhilosophy encourages the asking of big questions and the formulation of arguments to attempt to answer them. Who are we? Why are we here? What do we believe? Why do we believe it? What is right and wrong in life? What is true and false? What is real and unreal? Philosophy is concerned with the nature of existence and knowledge.


\nPsychobiology is the interaction between biological systems and behavior. It is concerned with how what we think and what we feel combine with biological events. Research in the field covers topics such as how psychological stressors can impact the brain and behavior. An example is how an exam or job interview can cause heart palpitations.


Robotics Technology
\nDegree programs in robotics technology prepare students to work with engineers who design robots and robotic systems than can perform duties that humans are either unable or prefer not to perform.

", "display_order": 3, "created_at": "2019-08-29T17:56:35.615512-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-10T16:18:16.399837-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 30, "page": 1, "title": "Skills You’ll Learn", "summary_markdown": "Graduates of neuroscience programs gain these transferrable skills through their course of study:\r\n\r\n- Abstract reasoning \r\n- Academic writing and presentation \r\n- Attention to detail \r\n- Awareness of ethical issues \r\n- Communication and interpersonal skills \r\n- Experiment design \r\n- Laboratory skills \r\n- Leadership and teamwork \r\n- Observation, investigation, and critical thinking \r\n- Organization and time management \r\n- Research and data analysis and interpretation \r\n- Summarizing vast amounts of information \r\n- Use of statistical tests in data analysis", "content_markdown": "", "content_html": "", "display_order": 4, "created_at": "2019-08-29T17:56:35.617566-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-10T16:14:48.988861-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 30, "page": 1, "title": "What Can You Do with a Neuroscience Degree?", "summary_markdown": "Because neuroscience combines aspects of many disciplines \u2013 from chemistry, medicine, and linguistics to mathematics, computer science, and engineering \u2013 graduates of the field find themselves working in a surprisingly wide array of areas. Many choose to go to medical school and become a physician or surgeon. \r\n \r\nBelow are the most common occupational categories in neuroscience. Some roles require further education and/or additional specialized training. \r\n\r\n**Research and Teaching** \r\n- Clinical / Medical \r\n- Academic / University \r\n- Biotechnology \r\n- Pharmaceutical / Drug Development \r\n\r\n**Healthcare and Social Services** \r\n- Neuropsychology / Psychology \r\n- Neuroimaging / Brain Imaging \r\n- Neurology \r\n- Neurosurgery \r\n- Neuropsychiatry / Psychiatry \r\n- Occupational Therapy \r\n- Physical Therapy \r\n- Speech-Language Pathology \r\n- Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counseling \r\n\r\n**Government** \r\n- Regulatory Affairs \r\n- Policy \r\n- Research Administration \r\n\r\n**Writing and Publishing** \r\n- Scientific Journalist / Blogger / Editor \r\n- Creative writing about the brain \u2013 for children or adults \r\n\r\n**Creative Sector** \r\n- Developer of toys for brain development", "content_markdown": "", "content_html": "", "display_order": 5, "created_at": "2019-08-29T17:56:35.619651-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-10T16:14:49.016852-08:00"}], "degree_specializations": []}">







  • 《大脑》——介绍大脑如何工作;神经解剖学,感觉和运动系统,语言和学习
  • 神经元-神经元(单个脑细胞)如何工作,神经编码,神经电路结构和功能
  • 一般生物学与实验室-生命从原子,分子,和细胞器(亚细胞结构,有一个或多个特定的工作,在细胞中执行)到细胞级别的组织;细胞结构与功能、能量学与代谢、基因、分子遗传学与进化;通过研究微生物、植物和动物的科学方法和实验
  • 普通化学与实验室-原子结构;化学反应;热量的变化;原子的电子结构;分子几何;液体,固体,气体和溶液化学
  • 有机化学与实验室-碳氢化合物,化合物,醇,酸,及其衍生物
  • 一般物理与实验室-运动和力,牛顿定律,动量,能量,万有引力,流体,物质的性质,和热力学
  • 微积分-积分学的基本定理,研究变化率
  • 大脑和行为科学中的计算方法-计算机如何用于神经科学研究,基本的编程技能,如何使用神经科学中使用的软件分析和报告科学数据
  • 基本统计-使用统计软件分析真实数据,并提出和研究概念
  • 认知神经科学与实验室-探索复杂的认知行为,包括注意力,物体识别,记忆,认知控制,社会认知和语言;认知神经科学研究方法;行为范式、临床方法、脑电图(EEG)、神经成像(MRI)和神经调节(通过将电或药物直接传递到目标区域来改变或调节神经活动)的设计
  • 实验室行为神经科学-与自然行为相关的神经机制,包括沟通,学习,记忆,睡眠,进食和应激反应
  • 研究方法和专业技能-神经科学和实验心理学领域的专业技能和职业道路;科学写作和科研项目写作;找工作
  • 实验室细胞生物学-真核细胞的结构和功能(有核膜包围细胞核的细胞)
  • 实验室遗传学-基因传播模式;基因结构、功能、相互作用和突变;染色体;生化遗传学;群体遗传学
  • 人类神经心理学的基本原理-结构,组织,和人类大脑的功能,以及它如何产生思想,感情,运动,知觉,语言和记忆;正常的大脑功能和神经紊乱
  • 行为的进化——从生态学和进化的角度探讨动物和人类的行为;主题包括攻击性、语言、性别差异、智力、发育、学习和本能
  • 神经科学独立研究-顶点项目






  • 神经可塑性——大脑通过形成新的神经连接来补偿损伤和疾病,从而自我重组的能力
  • 轴突再生-轴突是神经细胞的长线状部分,冲动沿着它从细胞体传导到其他细胞
  • 细胞移植-例子:干细胞,周围神经桥,成纤维细胞
  • 康复
  • 中枢神经系统对损伤的反应,包括神经炎症
  • 自主神经功能障碍-发展时,自主神经系统(ANS)的神经受损;ANS是调节心率、消化和排尿等身体功能的控制系统
  • 神经性疼痛
  • 神经保护策略
  • 机器人和脑机接口
  • 计算神经科学与建模
  • 运动、感觉和自主功能的恢复
  • 增强神经再生的微管疗法


  • 轴突在发育过程中是如何生长、分支和导航的
  • 树突与轴突是如何不同的?树突是神经细胞的一种短分支延伸,从其他细胞接收到的冲动通过它传递到细胞体
  • 在发育中的大脑中,神经元是如何从它们的起源位置迁移到它们的最终目的地的
  • 阿尔茨海默病
  • 遗传性痉挛性截瘫
  • 肌萎缩性侧索硬化症
  • 自闭症谱系障碍
  • 海湾战争病
  • 艾滋病
  • 多发性硬化症
  • 帕金森病
  • 脊髓损伤
  • 创伤性脑损伤


  • 摄食行为-进食和饮水
  • 药物滥用
  • 执行功能的调节——使我们能够计划、集中注意力、记住指令和多任务处理的心理过程
  • 学习和记忆
  • 精神刺激药物与注意力缺陷多动障碍
  • 压力、焦虑和创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)
  • 睡眠和觉醒
  • 运动和神经网络
  • 创伤性脑损伤
  • 精神分裂症
  • 自闭症
  • 帕金森病


  • 反射系统和模式发生器控制呼吸和运动的计算模型
  • 脊髓运动假体的研究进展
  • 开发皮质运动/感觉假体、脑机接口和神经机器人














  • 抽象推理
  • 学术写作及报告
  • 注重细节
  • 道德问题意识
  • 沟通和人际交往能力
  • 实验设计
  • 实验室技能
  • 领导能力和团队精神
  • 观察、调查和批判性思维
  • 组织和时间管理
  • 研究和数据分析及解释
  • 总结大量的信息
  • 在数据分析中使用统计检验





  • 临床/医疗
  • 学术/大学
  • 生物技术
  • 制药/药物开发


  • 神经心理学/心理学
  • 神经成像/脑成像
  • 神经学
  • 神经外科
  • 神经精神病学/精神病学
  • 职业治疗
  • 物理治疗
  • 语言语音病理学
  • 药物滥用和行为障碍咨询


  • 监管事务
  • 政策
  • 研究管理


  • 科学记者/博主/编辑
  • 关于大脑的创意写作——适合儿童或成人


  • 大脑开发玩具的开发者


