Ophthalmic medical technologist earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Ophthalmic medical technologist salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Hawaii $59,390
Wyoming $58,690
District of Columbia $56,240
New Jersey $55,130
Oregon $53,330
Rhode Island $48,860
Washington $48,570
Minnesota $48,230
California $48,150
Massachusetts $48,110
Delaware $48,080
New York $47,990
Connecticut $47,250
Alaska $47,130
Nebraska $47,120
New Mexico $47,110
New Hampshire $46,910
Colorado $46,830
Michigan $46,690
Tennessee $46,660
South Dakota 46640美元
Nevada $46,480
Pennsylvania $46,390
Arizona $45,940
Maine $45,920
Montana $45,900
North Dakota $45,490
Maryland $45,370
Kansas $45,150
Illinois $44,740
Virginia $40,700
Wisconsin $39,670
Iowa $39,360
Georgia $38,910
Idaho $38,860
Kentucky $38,670
Utah $38,450
Texas $37,850
Vermont $37,850
Ohio $37,760
West Virginia $37,210
Oklahoma $37,180
印第安纳州 $37,050
Florida $36,970
Missouri $36,930
North Carolina $36,930
Alabama $36,760
Arkansas $36,760
Louisiana $36,730
South Carolina $36,430
Mississippi $29,460
Guam $29,300
Puerto Rico $29,130

How do ophthalmic medical technologist salaries compare to similar careers?

Ophthalmic medical technologists earn about the same as related careers in Alabama. On average, they make less thanexercise physiologistsbut more thanmedical administrative assistants.

Career 中位数Salary
Exercise physiologist salary $47K
Cardiovascular technologist and technician salary $38K
Community health worker salary $47K
Licensed practical nurse salary $40K
外科手术technologist salary $38K
外科手术assistant salary $37K
Neurodiagnostic technologist salary $37K
Ophthalmic medical technologist salary $37K
Endoscopy technician salary $37K
Medical administrative assistant salary $37K

Source:CareerExplorer (Aggregated)