


大多数职业马术运动员都是个体经营者,他们通过参加奖金不多的比赛,努力达到更高的级别和更高的工资水平。他们通常喂养、训练和照顾他们所骑的马,以避免付钱给支持人员来处理这些工作。要想定期参加比赛,专业的跳高运动员需要技术、金钱和毅力。然而,有抱负的马术运动员不必将自己局限于专业的跳跃生涯,尤其是因为它可能相当难以捉摸。相反,他们可以把对马的热爱和知识与其他领域的教育结合起来,扩大自己的市场和需求。与管理、培训或行政技能相关的马术专业职业包括拍卖师;马厩或牧场经理;马术营主任或马术教练;动物保护协会官员;或者是马药销售。 Options for those interested in racing and shows are exercise rider; racing commissioner; show announcer or exhibitor; or show steward. Job seekers in the field can also consider working in the health and breeding sector as a breeding manager or technician; equine nutritionist; or blood typing specialist. Combining equestrian studies with a communications and visual arts program can lead to opportunities as an equine artist or illustrator; freelance journalist or photographer; radio or television announcer; or publicity agent. So, while not every horse enthusiast can or will become a competitive rider, everyone who loves horses can find a fit in this surprisingly diverse industry.