


预计记者的工作前景仍保持稳定。虽然始终需要这些记者,但由于与海外送新闻通讯员相关的费用,需求可能不会增加。新闻机构之间的兼并和内容分享协议可能会进一步减少工作人员的记者人数。然而,在某些情况下,整合可能具有相反的效果;事实上,当较小或经济困难的新闻组织成为更大,更稳定的新闻组织的一部分时,他们可能会限制失业。打印介质的读者和循环减少可能会限制该领域的开口。此外,随着报纸和电视和广播电台越来越多地发布内容在线和移动设备上,他们可能难以销售传统的广告形式。这种损失通常是他们主要的收入来源将对记者的就业市场产生负面压力。虽然在线和移动平台也会产生广告,但他们的收入通常低于传统媒体中的收入,因此可能不会抵消这种下降。该领域的所有工作都将吸引大量申请人。 Competition for highly-coveted positions with national television networks, national newspapers, and large metropolitan newspapers will be especially strong. Senior-level correspondents with extensive experience may find recurring opportunities as freelancers; these roles, however, will likely be on temporary and short-term contracts. Freelance openings for entry-level candidates are generally few in number, and those that do exist tend to be with smaller local media outlets. Related positions to which correspondents may transfer or be promoted include editor and producer or director of broadcast news. Advertising, communications, or public relations specialists are among the non-media careers to which correspondents sometimes transition.