Master\u2019s Degree in Health Communications \u2013 Two Year Duration
\nMaster\u2019s programs in health communications explore the breadth of issues at the heart of healthcare-related careers and examine best practices for communication in the healthcare industry. At this level, the curriculum immerses students in topics related to healthcare, visual branding and storytelling, marketing, mass media strategies, health literacy, public relations, healthcare policy, biology, epidemiology, and research methods.


Many schools allow students to choose an area of focus, following completion of a set of core courses. Below are examples of core master\u2019s level courses as well as sample courses for two possible concentrations.


Core Courses


Healthcare Promotion, Media, and Marketing Concentration
\nThis concentration focuses on designing integrated public relations, media, and marketing plans to help achieve the goals of health-related organizations. It teaches students how to frame points of view and craft powerful messages using print, broadcast, social, community, and organizational media to educate and influence diverse audiences.


Courses specific to this area of focus may include:


Visual and Digital Health Communication Concentration
\nThe visual and digital health communication concentration examines the impact of evolving communications technology on the field of health marketing and communications and teaches students how to harness this technology. It focuses on the design and application of tools such as infographics, data visualization graphics, videos, website, mobile apps, and branded content; as well as on how to effectively use social media in healthcare.


Courses specific to this area of focus may include:


Doctoral Degree in Health Communications \u2013 Three to Five Year Duration
\nThe health communications doctoral degree is designed for students who want to become university professors, researchers, and/or senior-level practitioners in the field. Doctoral candidates complete a common set of required core courses, followed by specialized courses relevant to their dissertation research and career goals.


Here is a sample doctoral course of study in health communications:

\n", "display_order": 2, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:05.363188-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-12-06T13:00:18.950399-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 585, "page": 1, "title": "Degrees Similar to Health Communications", "summary_markdown": "**[Healthcare Administration](/degrees/healthcare-administration-degree/)** \r\nThis degree field is focused on administration of healthcare policy, services, and facilities. Students learn about healthcare law; healthcare ethics; healthcare economics, finance, and human resources; and long-term care and aging. \r\n\r\n**[Journalism](/degrees/journalism-degree/)** \r\nJournalism degree programs teach students how to report, write, and edit articles for broadcast or publication. They include classes in broadcast news writing, copyediting and design, reporting, and media law and ethics. \r\n\r\n**[Mass Communication and Media Studies](/degrees/mass-communication-and-media-studies-degree/)** \r\nDegree programs in mass communication and media studies are concerned with the critical study of communication and media. The typical curriculum explores topics like communication infrastructure, as well as issues in communication from all of these perspectives: social, cultural, historical, political, economic, technological, and legal. \r\n\r\n**[Public Administration](/degrees/public-administration-degree/)** \r\nPublic administration degree programs teach students how to make and direct policy at various levels of government. These policies can involve a wide spectrum of public concerns, from healthcare to social programs to the environment. Typical courses for public administration students include community analysis, economic development, grant writing, local politics and administration, organization theory, public budgeting and financial administration, public policy, structure of government, volunteerism and the non-profit sector.", "content_markdown": "**[Public Health](/degrees/public-health-degree/)** \r\nStudents who enter degree programs in public health look at how access and lack of access to healthcare, health education, and funding affect the spread, treatment, and prevention of disease. Epidemiology \u2013 the science concerned with the spread and control of diseases and viruses \u2013 is the science at the heart of public health. \r\n\r\n**[Public Relations](/degrees/public-relations-degree/)** \r\nDegree programs in public relations (PR) teach students how to deliver information from a business, organization, government body, or individual public figure to a target audience. The curriculum differs from that of other communication sciences. In advertising and marketing programs, students learn how to design and develop communication pieces that clients seek out and pay for. Public relations courses focus on how to achieve image management, generate publicity, and earn positive media attention through press releases, press conferences, blogs, and a social media presence. \r\n\r\n**[Speech Communication and Rhetoric](/degrees/speech-communication-and-rhetoric-degree/)** \r\nDegree programs in speech communication and rhetoric focus on the study of human communication. Students of the discipline examine how we communicate one on one, within organizations, and in the larger contexts of politics, cultures, and societies. Coursework includes public speaking, speech writing, and analysis and criticism of examples of persuasive speaking or writing.", "content_html": "

Public Health
\nStudents who enter degree programs in public health look at how access and lack of access to healthcare, health education, and funding affect the spread, treatment, and prevention of disease. Epidemiology \u2013 the science concerned with the spread and control of diseases and viruses \u2013 is the science at the heart of public health.


Public Relations
\nDegree programs in public relations (PR) teach students how to deliver information from a business, organization, government body, or individual public figure to a target audience. The curriculum differs from that of other communication sciences. In advertising and marketing programs, students learn how to design and develop communication pieces that clients seek out and pay for. Public relations courses focus on how to achieve image management, generate publicity, and earn positive media attention through press releases, press conferences, blogs, and a social media presence.


Speech Communication and Rhetoric
\nDegree programs in speech communication and rhetoric focus on the study of human communication. Students of the discipline examine how we communicate one on one, within organizations, and in the larger contexts of politics, cultures, and societies. Coursework includes public speaking, speech writing, and analysis and criticism of examples of persuasive speaking or writing.

", "display_order": 3, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:05.364240-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-12-06T13:01:38.171495-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 585, "page": 1, "title": "Skills You’ll Learn", "summary_markdown": "Communication is at the heart of human existence. Therefore, it is not exaggeration to say that the knowledge gained by students who earn a degree in health communications is transferable to \u2013 and welcome in \u2013 most every industry. Consider these useful skills that graduates take from this course of study: \r\n\r\n- Ability to absorb and summarize new information quickly \r\n- Ability to analyze and integrate data \r\n- Ability to disseminate information accurately \r\n- Ability to learn on the job \r\n- Ability to speak and write in clear and simple language \r\n- Ability to work both independently and as part of a team \r\n- Attention to detail \r\n- Digital literacy \r\n- Document design \r\n- Editing \r\n- Ethics \r\n- Interpersonal skills \r\n- Marketing and branding \r\n- Media / social media and marketing savvy \r\n- Objectivity and logical reasoning \r\n- Organization \r\n- Problem-solving \r\n- Public relations skills / press release writing \r\n- Public speaking \r\n- Social and cultural awareness \r\n- Research methods", "content_markdown": "", "content_html": "", "display_order": 4, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:05.365330-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-11-30T11:36:45.006522-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 585, "page": 1, "title": "What Can You Do with a Health Communications Degree?", "summary_markdown": "Whether they specialize in direct patient communication, creating products and campaigns, or using information technology, health communication specialists put their knowledge and skills to use in a wide variety of employment sectors, including: \r\n\r\n- Biotechnology companies \r\n- Charitable foundations \r\n- Educational institutions \r\n- Government departments, including local, state, and federal \r\n- Health insurance companies \r\n- Health journalism and media \r\n- Health-related advertising, public relations, marketing, and consulting firms \r\n- Hospitals, medical practices, wellness centers, and senior living organizations \r\n- Large employers with an internal health and wellness program \r\n- Medical device manufacturers \r\n- Non-profit advocacy organizations \r\n- Pharmaceutical manufacturers \r\n- Public health and regulatory agencies, including state, national, and international \r\n- Publishing companies \r\n- Research institutes", "content_markdown": "The following sampling of job titles in health communications conveys the scope of roles that exist in the field: \r\n\r\n- Communications Manager / Trainer \r\n- Community Relations Specialist \r\n- Digital Content Strategist \r\n- Director of Health Communications \r\n- Director of Health Education and Communications \r\n- Environmental Health and Pandemic Specialist \r\n- Health Communications Marketing Expert \r\n- Health Insurance Specialist \r\n- Health Literacy Educator \r\n- Health Organization Communications Professional \r\n- Health Organization Supervisor, Manager, or Director \r\n- Health Organization Unit or Practice Leader \r\n- Healthcare Advocate \r\n- Healthcare Researcher \r\n- Hospital Communications Specialist \r\n- Knowledge Center Manager \r\n- Medical [Editor](// \r\n- Nutrition Communications Specialist \r\n- Outreach Coordinator \r\n- Patient Engagement Specialist \r\n- Patient Liaison \r\n- Patient Safety Leader \r\n- Preparedness and Catastrophic Response Coordinator \r\n- Prevention Coordinator \r\n- Quality Manager \r\n- Risk Manager \r\n- Senior Health [Writer](// \r\n- Social Media Manager for Healthcare Organizations \r\n- User Experience Designer", "content_html": "

The following sampling of job titles in health communications conveys the scope of roles that exist in the field:

\n", "display_order": 5, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:05.366402-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-12-06T13:02:44.952520-08:00"}], "degree_specializations": []}">











  • 人际沟通-理论和技能,在专业和个人的情况下,两个人之间的互动;感知、自我概念、非语言沟通、倾听、自信、人际关系、冲突管理和解决问题
  • 传播研究的研究方法-概念,方法和工具的概述,传播研究的研究是设计,进行和评估;定量和定性研究程序,研究问题和假设生成和测试,测量,抽样,研究设计和数据分析技术的检查
  • 生命周期沟通-与沟通和衰老有关的问题的概述;本课程涉及对老龄化的态度、代际和代内沟通、加强与老年人的沟通、老龄化过程的社会建设、老年人的媒体使用、大众媒体对老年人的影响、健康传播和老年人口;老年人之间的沟通和技术问题
  • 健康传播-学生学习健康传播如何在自己的生活中运作,并学习专业的健康传播技能;学生通过沟通理论和策略对该领域及其可能性有很强的理解;学生学习评估健康信息中有意义的内容
  • 患者-提供者沟通-在医疗保健环境中患者-提供者互动的动态;在分析医疗提供者和患者之间的沟通时,将特别注意叙述和修辞理论的作用,检查各种类型的医疗遭遇
  • 卫生运动-介绍卫生运动的规划、实施和评价;学生将以团队形式为外部客户组织设计、实施和评估活动
  • 通信技术与健康————信息通信技术在提高卫生知识普及方面的作用;了解电子医疗记录、患者-提供者电子交互、在线社会支持、在线同意、隐私管理和健康信息查找
  • 传播实习-选择合格的学生在校外健康传播专业的安置
  • 媒体中的科学——分析和制作科学新闻内容,包括关于健康、生物、环境和技术的信息;学生将了解科学报道的最佳实践,包括评估信息的新闻价值、准确性和影响,并将专业术语翻译成能够吸引观众的内容
  • 公共演讲-口头交流的过程,提高口头交流技巧,想法和信息的发展,以及有效的表达想法
  • 大众传播导论-大众媒体如何运作,人们如何使用和创造媒体信息,以及媒体如何演变和影响行为
  • 社会工作与社区-探索社会工作专业和不同客yabo亚搏体育户群体的需求;测试和评估与人合作的承诺和能力
  • 医疗保健管理——医疗保健设置中的基本应用管理功能;人员和病人安排;采购程序;预算和质量改进过程;组织关系和权力
  • 营销原理-商品从生产者到消费者的流动;企业的需求刺激和满足活动;营销概念和系统分析
  • 文化与传播——文化与传播理论、批评与实践;跨文化交流的个人经验;跨文化交际情境中的策略
  • 卫生政策交流——公共卫生政策交流和辩论;美国和全球医疗保健系统和政策及其对健康结果的影响;交流和辩论在政策制定和执行的有效性方面发挥了作用
  • 异常心理——主要精神障碍的症状、原因和治疗;精神病理学的研究方法
  • 社会心理学——社会知觉和社会对行为的影响;归因、态度、吸引力、攻击性、亲社会行为、顺从性和小团体
  • 卫生信息学-介绍卫生信息学领域的概念和趋势
  • 健康的社会文化方面——社会文化因素在创造、理解和利用与健康有关的信息方面的作用;健康的社会文化方面,因为它们涉及关于健康差异的交流;解决服务不足人口健康差异的方法
  • 老龄化与社会——老年人在社会中的角色;老龄化理论和伦理/法律概念;学生在社区和急性和长期护理环境中与老年人打交道的经验yabo亚搏体育




  • 美国医疗保健制度
  • 卫生传播原则和战略
  • 卫生传播研究方法
  • 为健康而写作



  • 医疗卫生公共关系
  • 医疗保健行业的数字营销
  • 医疗保健的媒体关系
  • 健康传播流行病学



  • 数字健康时代的视觉传达
  • 医疗保健行业的数字营销
  • 医疗保健行业的社交媒体策略与策略
  • 疾病生物学
  • 医疗保健营销策略



  • 通讯调查及研究
  • 组织中的健康传播
  • 医疗保健组织中的沟通问题
  • 卫生传播中的关系问题
  • 健康传播与社会
  • 健康宣传运动
  • 健康传播与文化
  • 说服与社会影响
  • 健康传播的不确定性和风险
  • 公众对健康和治疗的理解











  • 能够快速吸收和总结新信息
  • 具备分析和整合数据的能力
  • 准确传播信息的能力
  • 在工作中学习的能力
  • 能够用清晰简单的语言进行口语和写作
  • 具备独立工作和团队合作的能力
  • 注重细节
  • 数字素养
  • 文档设计
  • 编辑
  • 道德
  • 人际关系技巧
  • 营销和品牌
  • 媒体/社交媒体和营销悟性
  • 客观性和逻辑推理
  • 组织
  • 解决问题
  • 公共关系技巧/新闻稿写作
  • 公众演讲
  • 社会文化意识
  • 研究方法



  • 生物技术公司
  • 慈善基金会
  • 教育机构
  • 政府部门,包括地方、州和联邦政府
  • 健康保险公司
  • 卫生新闻和媒体
  • 与健康相关的广告、公共关系、市场营销和咨询公司
  • 医院、医疗机构、健康中心和老年生活机构
  • 有内部健康计划的大公司
  • 医疗器械制造商
  • 非营利倡导组织
  • 药品制造商
  • 公共卫生和监管机构,包括州、国家和国际机构
  • 出版公司
  • 研究机构


  • 传讯经理/培训师
  • yabo亚搏体育社区关系专员
  • 数字内容战略家
  • 卫生传播主任
  • 健康教育和传播主任
  • 环境卫生和流行病专家
  • 健康传播营销专家
  • 健康保险专家
  • 健康素养教育工作者
  • 卫生组织通讯专业人员
  • 卫生组织主管、经理或主任
  • 卫生组织单位或实践负责人
  • 医疗支持
  • 医疗保健人员
  • 医院通讯专员
  • 知识中心经理
  • 医疗编辑器
  • 营养传播专家
  • 外联协调
  • 患者参与专家
  • 病人联络
  • 病人安全领导
  • 准备和灾难反应协调员
  • 预防协调员
  • 质量经理
  • 风险经理
  • 高级卫生作家
  • 医疗保健组织的社交媒体经理
  • 用户体验设计师


