Here are some courses within these areas that commonly make up the animation bachelor\u2019s curriculum:


Master\u2019s Degree in Animation \u2013 One to Two Year Duration
\nGraduates with a Master\u2019s Degree in Animation qualify for senior roles in the industry and for careers as college and university animation instructors. Generally, master\u2019s candidates are required to complete one or more animation projects as well as a master\u2019s thesis within their selected area of concentration. While concentration options vary from program to program, 3D animation, 3D modeling, visual effects (VFX), and animation production are common ones.


Here are some sample courses from the master\u2019s curriculum in animation:

\n", "display_order": 2, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:05.491443-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-12-07T14:33:47.927177-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 596, "page": 1, "title": "Degrees Similar to Animation", "summary_markdown": "**[Commercial Art](/degrees/commercial-art-degree/)** \r\nProfessionals in this field combine art and business by using their creative skills to market and sell products and services. The degree gives students a background in branding, account planning and management, as well as the aesthetic concepts of color theory and composition. \r\n\r\n**[Computer Graphics](/degrees/computer-graphics-degree/)** \r\nThis degree field teaches students how to develop graphics software. Coursework includes drawing, graphic design, digital modeling, multimedia applications, and software engineering. \r\n\r\n**[Film Production](/degrees/film-production-degree/)** \r\nDegree programs in this field teach every stage of film production, from conception to distribution. Coursework includes securing screenplay rights, identifying financing sources, finding locations, negotiating with film distributors, hiring casts and crews, and managing production budgets. \r\n\r\n**[Game Design](/degrees/game-design-degree/)** \r\nDegree programs in game design teach students how to create, develop, and produce video and computer games. Foundations of a game design curriculum typically include game theory and history, pre-production and production techniques, storytelling, graphics, animation, digital music and sound, and programming.", "content_markdown": "**[Graphic Design](/degrees/graphic-design-degree/)** \r\nThe goal of graphic design is to produce visual concepts to communicate messages. The discipline uses layout, color, and other creative concepts to design logos and branding packages that inspire and captivate consumers. \r\n\r\n**[Illustration](/degrees/illustration-degree/)** \r\nIllustration degree programs teach students how to tell stories and communicate ideas visually. They cover traditional manual drawing, digital art technologies, and art and illustration history. Some programs may include painting classes or offer concentrations in a specific kind of illustration, such as book illustration, fashion illustration, exhibit drawing, animation and cartoon drawing, and medical illustration. \r\n\r\n**[Industrial Design](/degrees/industrial-design-degree/)** \r\nIndustrial designers design the way that we live our lives, by creating, innovating, and styling the common mass-produced items that we buy, use, and consume. They research, build, and test prototypes to maximize the functionality and desirability of products, from cars to food packaging to consumer electronics. \r\n\r\nStudents of industrial design study the history of the field, design conceptualization, drawing, dimensional and computer-aided design, materials and processes, and model making. \r\n\r\n**[Web Design](/degrees/web-design-degree/)** \r\nDegree programs in this field teach the principles and practices of web design and the communication, collaboration, and project planning and execution skills demanded by employers and clients.", "content_html": "

Graphic Design
\nThe goal of graphic design is to produce visual concepts to communicate messages. The discipline uses layout, color, and other creative concepts to design logos and branding packages that inspire and captivate consumers.


\nIllustration degree programs teach students how to tell stories and communicate ideas visually. They cover traditional manual drawing, digital art technologies, and art and illustration history. Some programs may include painting classes or offer concentrations in a specific kind of illustration, such as book illustration, fashion illustration, exhibit drawing, animation and cartoon drawing, and medical illustration.


Industrial Design
\nIndustrial designers design the way that we live our lives, by creating, innovating, and styling the common mass-produced items that we buy, use, and consume. They research, build, and test prototypes to maximize the functionality and desirability of products, from cars to food packaging to consumer electronics.


Students of industrial design study the history of the field, design conceptualization, drawing, dimensional and computer-aided design, materials and processes, and model making.


Web Design
\nDegree programs in this field teach the principles and practices of web design and the communication, collaboration, and project planning and execution skills demanded by employers and clients.

", "display_order": 3, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:05.492529-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-12-07T14:35:58.349367-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 596, "page": 1, "title": "Skills You’ll Learn", "summary_markdown": "While earning their degree, students of animation gain skills that are valued in the world at large: \r\n\r\n**Creativity / Design Concepts and Storytelling** \r\nIn the work of animation, concepts start out as storyboards. Students, therefore, learn how to be imaginative and creative, how to look at the world through many different lenses, how to tell a story, how to convey information. \r\n\r\n**Technology** \r\nWhile animation is definitely a creative process, it is also a process that involves a lot of technology. Animation graduates typically come away from their studies with knowledge of animation software, such as Unity, Powtoon, Maya, and Adobe Animate. \r\n\r\n**Problem Solving** \r\n\r\n**Teamwork**", "content_markdown": "", "content_html": "", "display_order": 4, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:05.493590-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-11-30T13:37:58.219976-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 596, "page": 1, "title": "What Can You Do with an Animation Degree?", "summary_markdown": "**Animation and Special Effects Studios / Motion Picture and Television** \r\nThese studios are the largest employers of animators. They bring together the creative minds that imagine and produce the visual effects for film and television. \r\n\r\nCommon titles include 2D animator, 3D animator, story and concept artist, character technical director, animation producer, texture/lighting technical director, digital modeler, stop-motion animator, and creature technical director. Disney, Lucasfilm Animation, Pixar, Electronic Arts, and DreamWorks are among the high-profile employers in this sector. \r\n\r\n**Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations** \r\nIn these sectors, the tools of animation are used to express the image, spirit, and desirability of a brand as well as to generate publicity, and earn positive media attention. \r\n\r\n**Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Engineering, Interior Design, Industrial Design** \r\nIn each of these fields, animators use computer generated models to provide three-dimensional views of design concepts. Animation technology has become the norm in presenting plans and proposals for new homes and commercial buildings, parks and gardens, civic infrastructure, functional and attractive interior spaces, and innovative products. \r\n\r\n**Criminal Justice and Legal and Forensic Services** \r\nAnimators work with criminal investigators to create animations of crime scenes that prosecutors and defense attorneys use to present their legal cases in court. Animation technology is also used to create aged-processed images of missing persons. \r\n\r\n**Education** \r\nAnimators have important roles to play in the field of online learning and virtual classrooms. Their expertise is needed to design 3D models used to illustrate ideas and concepts in various subject areas.", "content_markdown": "**Game Design** \r\nWithout animators, the video game industry could not and would not exist. They are the architects of these games. They create the characters, the environments, and the stories that are the stars of every game. \r\n\r\n**Scientific and Medical Services** \r\nIn these sectors, the art of animation enters the realm of science. Science and medical animators make 3D models of human anatomy that help scientists and medical researchers better understand the human body and the diseases that afflict it. \r\n\r\n**Software Development** \r\nCreators of all kinds of software need animators and 3D modellers as part of their teams. \r\n\r\n**Web Design** \r\nAnimation has taken web design from a static online document or brochure to an engaging, moving, and interactive experience. Web animation captures our attention and conveys messages and information in ever-evolving ways.", "content_html": "

Game Design
\nWithout animators, the video game industry could not and would not exist. They are the architects of these games. They create the characters, the environments, and the stories that are the stars of every game.


Scientific and Medical Services
\nIn these sectors, the art of animation enters the realm of science. Science and medical animators make 3D models of human anatomy that help scientists and medical researchers better understand the human body and the diseases that afflict it.


Software Development
\nCreators of all kinds of software need animators and 3D modellers as part of their teams.


Web Design
\nAnimation has taken web design from a static online document or brochure to an engaging, moving, and interactive experience. Web animation captures our attention and conveys messages and information in ever-evolving ways.

", "display_order": 5, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:05.494627-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-12-07T14:39:33.288910-08:00"}], "degree_specializations": []}">








  • 2D动画-“平面”动画,通过排序多个图形在二维空间中创造运动的艺术
  • 定格-一种电影技术,通过相机反复停止和开始,给动画人物运动的印象
  • 3D动画-在数字环境中生成三维运动图像的过程
  • 3D建模-使用计算机图形将2D概念艺术转换为角色、布景和道具的3D模型
  • 视觉效果(VFX) -将现场拍摄的镜头与在现场拍摄中无法发生的创建或处理的图像集成在一起


  • 动画和视觉效果的历史(VFX)
  • 生活/字符画
  • 角色、道具和地点设计
  • 故事板-将剧本分解成场景和绘制的面板
  • 雕塑——将想法从2D草图和蓝图移动到3D“雕塑”
  • 数字雕刻-解剖雕刻,人物比例,解剖形式
  • 预视-使用数字工具创建镜头和序列的初步版本
  • 道具建模
  • 表面-在真实世界的表面上重新创造光的相互作用
  • 角色操纵-通过创建3D骨架和设计移动面部和身体的控制来赋予角色生命
  • 照明技术/ 3D渲染软件
  • 合成-调整灯光、颜色和其他元素以最终确定框架的过程
  • 音乐和音效设计
  • 色彩理论与色彩分级
  • 为动画师表演-身体力学,动作分析和表演
  • 工作室每日模拟-故事和技术开发项目由学生和学生团体



  • 艺术批评
  • 动画美学与实践-当代动画趋势与技术
  • 计算机生成的建模和设计-建模有机的,自然发生的形式
  • 动态绘图-表达手势绘图
  • 媒体理论与应用-研究早期和当前的媒体理论思想,电影和数字媒体的批判性思维
  • 故事板和预览














虽然动画绝对是一个创造性的过程,但它也是一个涉及大量技术的过程。动画专业的毕业生通常在毕业后就掌握了动画软件的知识,比如Unity、Powtoon、Maya和Adobe Animate。















