



当大多数人听到“导游”一词时,他们通常会想到向导,他们在一个城市或国家或多个目的地上向旅行者展示了旅行者,这是扩展旅行的一部分。然而,事实是,该领域采用了不同种类的指南,每个部门使用的指南的需求和就业能力根据几个因素而有所不同。当然,当地导游的工作前景陪伴游客前往博物馆,画廊和宗教场所依靠大量游客。这些导游必须能够回顾事实,数字和事件,并能够以引人注目的方式传达它们。那些陪同团体进行多城市或多国行程的向导几乎负责每个旅行细节,并且必须具备典范的组织技能和参与不同文化的能力。在大多数欧洲国家,当地向导必须通过严格的考试,并且必须获得执业许可。在北美,几乎没有关于导游的法规,通常不需要获得许可证。无论这些旅游指南在哪里工作,对当地历史和景点的熟悉,沟通技巧,公开演讲的舒适性以及对多种语言的了解都是在现场进步的绝对资产。戏剧或娱乐或教学经验的背景也将改善候选人的就业前景。与公司合作的“导游”患有错误称呼。 They are not tour guides. They are ‘trip directors’ or ‘travel directors’ or ‘tour directors’ and their responsibilities vary greatly from those of traditional tour guides. TDs, as they are referred to in industry circles, act more as traveling concierges who cater to the needs of participants on corporate reward or ‘incentive’ trips. Aspiring TDs need to be prepared for extremely long days, multiple changes to pre-planned programs, and often unexpected requests and demands from their guests who have in most cases won their trips for achieving sales or management quotas. Since TDs sometimes travel to and from destinations with their groups, they are more employable if they have at least a basic understanding of airline reservations and ticketing procedures, as well as language skills. A high energy level, ability to think on one’s feet, and a genuine desire to resolve issues are unofficially mandatory to be successful in this role.